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DF Strawberry sprinkle donuts

Yields16 Servings

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 1 cup almond meal
 ½ cup oat flour
 ½ cup coconut yoghurt
 1 egg, whisked
 3 tbsp maple syrup
 2 tbsp almond butter
 1 tbsp coconut or olive oil
 1 tsp vanilla essence
 ½ tsp bicarb soda
 Handful of strawberries, mashed
 Coconut yoghurt
 Rainbow sprinkles

Combine all donut ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth


Pour the dough batter into a lightly oiled donut maker and cook until golden


Mix coconut yoghurt and mashed strawberries, spread over donuts and top with rainbow sprinkles

Nutrition Facts

Servings 0

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